Novice / Pre-Open Obedience


Class limit 10


Open to students who have completed the Advanced Basic Obedience class, to dogs with a Beginner Novice (BN) title, and to experienced handlers with dogs that are at the Beginner Novice level of training.  Dogs should be able to complete Beginner Novice Exercises.

Class Overview

This class will help students polish skills learned in the Advanced Basic Obedience class, and to progress in becoming a dog and handler “team.”  Students will be able to prepare for competing at the Companion Dog (Novice) level.  Training will include working on off- leash heeling and long sit and down stays.  This class may be repeated as needed.

First Class
January 3 2022
6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
Mark Your Calendar


General Registration Information

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Skip Manley
900 East Patrick Street, Frederick Maryland 21701