Advanced Rally


With permission from instructor

Class limit 6


Teams must be competing at AKC Advanced or WCRL Level 2 or comparable Rally level in other venues. Dogs must be competent performing off-leash and at a distance from their handler, and must have a recall.

Class Overview

This class is for dog/handler teams interested in learning skills required for competing in AKC Excellent/Master Trials and/or WCRL Level 3 Trials. Opportunities will be provided to analyze course configurations and plan efficient strategies for winning performances.  Weekly exercises will include practice in off-leash heeling with proofing for distractions. Intricacies of complex, high level Rally exercises will be taught, and mastery will be assessed, on course, with real-life distraction triggers.

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September 21 2022
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Pat Bradley
900 East Patrick Street, Frederick Maryland 21701