
The monthly (Saturday) obedience open ring events are an opportunity for you and your dog to do whatever obedience skills training, practice, “run thru,” acclimation play, etc. that you want to do (without being disruptive to the team in the other ring) during your assigned ½ hour ring time.


  • A moderate temperature is maintained year around in building 2 where these events are held.
  • The two full size obedience rings in Building 2 will be used and standard ring equipment is available for the Beginner Novice through Utility levels.
  • All individuals attending or participating in our obedience open ring events MUST complete, or already have on file, our Waiver of Liability form for the current year.


  • Cost –  $20.00 for each ½ hour of assigned ring time. You may request more than one time slot. 
  • Pre-entry is required and is to be sent by e-mail to pawsalways@comcast.netPlease provide your name, your dog’s call name/ breed, and your cell phone number with your pre-entry.
    Pre-entries will open at 8:00 a.m. on the Tuesday prior to the scheduled Open Ring Event and close when the entry limit is reached or on Thursday at 8:00 p.m. of that week (whichever comes first). 
  • If you and another participant plan to be of assistance to each other during each of your assigned ring times, it is suggested that one of you register for both teams so that you are assigned back-to-back ring time slots.
  • Entries will be accepted in the order received. Time of day requests will be taken into consideration when establishing the scheduling but are NOT guaranteed.
  • Participants are expected to arrive about ½ hour prior to their assigned ring time to sign in, pay, get your crate set up, etc.  Each assigned ring time starts on the half hour pattern (i.e., 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 etc.). It is your responsibility to have signed-in and be ready to start your ring time as assigned.
  • IF YOU ARE LATE, YOU HAVE GIVEN UP PART OF YOUR RING TIME. NOTE: You are responsible for the set-up of the equipment you want to use DURING your ½ hour of assigned ring time.
  • You may arrive earlier than we expect you to arrive and /or remain after your assigned ring time.  However, a minimal number of participants in the building at one time is desired.
  • You will be notified by e-mail of the run order of the participants once entries close. A wait list will be maintained if needed; if you need to cancel, please text 240-446-1383 or e-mail so someone on the wait list else may be offered your time slot.  


FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Cindy Harbaugh at or cell 240-446-1383 

November 8 2025
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Mark Your Calendar
900 East Patrick Street, Frederick Maryland 21701