Saturday, November 30, 2019
Morning Session:
PICTURE THIS! Puppy Skills Development
In puppy training, there’s only one thing you have to do: Impress your puppy. Yup, that’s it. Every engagement with your pup is an opportunity to make your dog feel brilliant, intelligent, joyful and most of all, successful. Picture the kind of pup you’d like to have, apply the principles of Play, Independence, Confidence, Thinking, Understanding, Rewards and Engagement, and you can increase the probability of raising a dog that is resilient, responds appropriately, and of course, has fun in agility! Teams will have opportunities to observe, engage and support success. This program is super for young dogs and teams needing a boost to their beliefs in each other.
Afternoon Session:
In this fun, interactive workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to learn mechanics and mindset issues that can affect your dog’s startline behaviors. Our goal is increase our awareness through patience in order to recognize and reward impulse control with what your dog wants … ACCESS TO GO! Dogs do not currently need to have a “stay” for this session. Training is suitable for all levels including young dogs and re-trains.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Full-Day Session:
Learn to follow the line to handling success. You have 200 degrees of peripheral vision to see objects all around you without head-checking and to sense motion and run without crashing into things. In this highly innovative program, handlers will be given the tools to understand and to visually follow lines on course so that see the obstacle that was just taken, the obstacle ahead and most importantly, where the dog is in relation to the two. String Theory opens up a whole new way of seeing the course!
About Diane Patterson:
A part of the agility community since 2004, Diane has attained championship titles in AKC, USDAA, NADAC and UKI. As a competitor, she’s earned win-on spots on the AKC World Team and the UKI US Team, and has been a finalist numerous times at AKC Nationals, Cynosports, the US Open and many regional events. With her sheltie, she won the 16” championship at the Westminster Masters Agility Championship. Familiar with the mindset tools needed to win, she infuses her trainings with actionable behaviors for success. She’s owned and trained Belgian Shepherds, Shelties and terriers. Currently, she competes with her young sheltie, Happy.
8:00 am - 5:00 pm