Foundation Classes
Some classes may not be offered every session
Manners or consent of the instructor. Dogs must be able to work comfortably and quietly in proximity with other dogs.
Course Description
This class will teach skills necessary for the development and stabilization of some basic behaviors important for many canine performance sports: Sit, Down, Stay, Stand, Front, Heel, Come. Proofing exercises will be applied for each behavior to build increased duration, distance and resistance to distractions. Weekly activities will include exercises to improve team relationship, to increase attention, to build focus, to strengthen motivation. Exercises for hind-end awareness and core strengthening will be introduced, as well as, methods for teaching targeting and platform behaviors.
Class limit 6
The Puppy class is for puppies age 10 weeks to 5 months.
Class Description
Puppy class will teach you how to best communicate with your puppy, while working on bonding and social skills that are essential for a well mannered puppy. Puppies will begin to learn basic manners, such as sit, down, stay/wait, coming when called, leave it, and politely walking on a leash. The skills taught in Puppy class are taught through play and positive reinforcements, which help build a positive bond between the puppy and the owner.
Upon completion of the Puppy class, most puppies will move on to take Manners Obedience.
Some classes may not be offered every session
Class limit 8
No prior class required. This class is for handlers and/or dogs with no prior obedience training.
Class Overview
This class has been designed for dogs and puppies 6 months and older just starting out in obedience. Dogs will be introduced to all basic commands such as; attention, loose leash walking, come, sit, down, and stay. General topics of household manners, socialization and problem behaviors will be discussed. This class is taught using positive reinforcement in a fun and successful way. The AKC Canine Good Citizen test will be given on the last day of class and is not mandatory to take.
To graduate from Manners, dogs must pass the Canine Good Citizenship that is offered at the end of the session.
The successful completion of Manners and having obtained a Canine Good Citizenship
Class Overview
Students will continue with working on transitioning from loose leash walking to heeling; sits, downs, stands; recalls with fronts, finishes. Teams will also be exposed to social distractions such as wheel chairs, people with walkers … incorporating “formal” with real life situations that all dogs need to be exposed to in life.
Class limit 10
Open to students who have completed the Advanced Basic Obedience class, to dogs with a Beginner Novice (BN) title, and to experienced handlers with dogs that are at the Beginner Novice level of training. Dogs should be able to complete Beginner Novice Exercises.
Class Overview
This class will help students polish skills learned in the Advanced Basic Obedience class, and to progress in becoming a dog and handler “team.” Students will be able to prepare for competing at the Companion Dog (Novice) level. Training will include working on off- leash heeling and long sit and down stays. This class may be repeated as needed.
Class limit 8
Dog should be able to complete Novice exercises.
Class Overview
This class is for refining obedience skills and building the foundation needed for competing in AKC obedience trials at the Open (Companion Dog Excellent-CDX title) and Utility (Utility Dog-UD title) levels. This class is tailored to meet the needs of the students enrolled. Skills for both level (i.e., drop on recall, retrieving, jumps, signals) are taught and/or refined. This course may be repeated if needed.
Class Overview
This class is for anyone who is training their dog to show for an obedience title, Beginner Novice or higher. Since dogs will be at a variety of levels in the class, exercises for all levels may be used depending on what level the participants are working at and what they are ready for. Both polishing existing skills and teaching new skills for higher levels will be included.
Class limit 6
Novice obedience or equivalent
Class Description
This class is an introduction and practice of skills in preparation for AKC Open Obedience competition (CDX)
Some classes may not be offered every session
Class limit 6
This course is for experienced handlers with sound knowledge of Rally exercises and extensive trial experience
Class Overview
To apply skills learned in previous rally classes to upper level WCRL and AKC rally. Off leash performance and teamwork will be stresses. Various Level 2 & 3 WCRL exercises and AKC Advanced, Excellent & Master exercises will be introduced. Mixed courses will be set for practice and skill development.
Class limit 6
Teams must be competing at AKC Advanced or WCRL Level 2 or comparable Rally level in other venues. Dogs must be competent performing off-leash and at a distance from their handler, and must have a recall.
Class Overview
This class is for dog/handler teams interested in learning skills required for competing in AKC Excellent/Master Trials and/or WCRL Level 3 Trials. Opportunities will be provided to analyze course configurations and plan efficient strategies for winning performances. Weekly exercises will include practice in off-leash heeling with proofing for distractions. Intricacies of complex, high level Rally exercises will be taught, and mastery will be assessed, on course, with real-life distraction triggers.
Class limit 6
Dogs must demonstrate mastery of beginning Rally skills through successful completion of the Beginning Rally Class at BAD AND permission of Instructor OR must have earned a WCRL Level 1 leg or AKC Rally Novice leg.
Class Overview
The focus of this course is to develop confidence and fluency in previously learned fundamental Rally skills, and build the teamwork necessary for off leash performance. An array of Level 2 WCRL exercises and Intermediate and Advanced AKC exercises are introduced. Emphasis is on maintaining the focus necessary for increasingly longer courses, and on the development of control skills required for jumping and working at a distance.
Class limit 6
Dogs must demonstrate mastery of basic obedience skills, successfully completed Intro to Rally, or with permission from the instructor.
Class Description
This course is an introduction to Rally Obedience, a sporting activity in which handler and dog perform a series of connected, on-leash obedience exercises on a timed course. The sport emphasizes the development of a positive working relationship in a fun and interesting competitive environment. Basic Rally exercises from WCRL Introductory Level and Level 1, as well as AKC Novice will be taught. Performance and scoring guidelines from both venues will be taught for those selected exercises. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to read course maps and to run basic WCRL and AKC courses. Courses will test proficiency and speed in execution of a variety of turns and basic exercises, demonstrating sit, stand, down, stay, front, and right and left finishes, while heeling on-leash.
Class limit 6
The successful completion of Manners Obedience and / or having obtained a Canine Good Citizenship, or with permission of the instructor. Dogs MUST know basic obedience skills and be able to work in a class setting.
Class Overview
This course teaches the style of World Cynosport Rally (WCR ), a rapidly growing sport which promotes positive relationships between dogs and handlers, based on trust and mutual respect. The sport of WCR encompasses obedience skills and exercises which are easily transferrable to other rally venues, as well as to other canine performance sports. Intro to Rally is for either students who have never done rally, or those who are starting a new dog, as most of the class time will be on learning the different signs in Level 1.
Students will continue working on the basic obedience skills needed to succeed in Rally. Students will be introduced to the different signs in Level 1 Rally which are done on leash. Once students have learned the signs, they will begin to complete small sequences and work on a variety of skills to maximize their scores in competition.
Students who successfully complete Intro to Rally will then be able to transition into Beginner Rally.
Some classes may not be offered every session
Note: All agility classes may be repeated until dog and handler have mastered all skills needed to graduate.
Class Limit 8
The successful completion of Manners Obedience, or having obtained a Canine Good Citizenship elsewhere.
Class Overview
Prepares each dog with the basic skills they will need to enter into the world of agility. This class will focus on the flatwork necessary to build skills in agility. No agility equipment, other than tunnels and flat boards, will be used. Dogs and handlers will learn shadowing, hand touches, targets and wrapping a pole. Ladder and brick work will be used to help the dog develop rear end awareness. Tunnel work and walking on flat boards will be introduced. Off leash recalls to both sides of the handler will be worked on as well as start line stays.
Graduation Requirements
Dogs must be able to exhibit basic foundation skills mentioned above.
Class limit 6
For dogs over 1 year of age.
The successful completion of Intro to Agility, or with permission from the instructor.
Class Overview
Continue work from the Introduction to Agility class and to learn the proper execution of all contacts. Students will learn the 2×2 method of weaving
Contacts: Dogs will be introduced to all contact equipment; A-frame, dog walk, and teeter, with focus on how to correctly perform contact bottoms. Targets will be used constantly so it is very important that dogs know this skill.
Weaves: Introduce dogs to the 2×2 method of weaving, including finding weave entrances and successfully working through 6 weave poles; additional poles will be added as dogs become successful.
Proper jumping style will be introduced at the end of the session, after all of the contacts are being executed in the proper fashion.
A-frame, teeter, and dog-walk will be successful at FULL height with confidence: emphasis will be on correctly performing contact bottoms. Dogs should be able to complete no less than 4 straight up poles for weaves. Dogs should willingly be doing a sequence of 4 jumps in a straight line.
Class limit 6
The successful completion of Basic I Agility
Class Overview
Continue work from Basic I Agility classes; dogs will continue to practice all contacts, weaves and weave entrances, and proper jumping techniques. Handling skills will be introduced and practiced as handlers learn to sequence jumps and contact equipment. All agility equipment will be introduced and practiced.
Handler and dog teams will be able to successfully complete ALL agility equipment. Teams should be able to complete 6 upright weaves, and sequences of 4-6 obstacles.
Class limit 6
Successful completion of Basic II Agility
Class Overview
Continue work from Basic II Agility. Teams will continue to work on all contacts, enforcing correct performance of obstacle bottoms. Dogs will continue to work the table, chute, tunnels, and short jumping sequences. Targets will continue to be used throughout this class. Dogs will continue to work on weaves and finding weave entrances from various positions.
Dogs and teams must be able to successfully complete all contacts with proper bottoms. Teams must be able to complete short sequences of 6-8 obstacles with confidence. Teams must also be able to perform 6 to 12 weaves successfully at least 80% of the time.
Class limit 6
Successful completion of Skills I, or permission of the instructor.
Class Overview
This class is for those handlers interested in competing in Agility trials. Through the use of short sequences, skills important to successful trialing will be focused on.
Dogs will be able to do short sequences of 8-15 obstacles and perform 12 weaves successfully 80% of the time. Dogs and handlers will have some understanding of discrimination. Dogs will have a decent send to the tunnel.
Class limit 6
The successful completion of Distance and Handling, and/or Skills II, or permission of the instructor.
Class Overview
This class is for those dog and handlers that are preparing to show at the Novice level (AKC/NADAC/ASCA) or Levels 1 and 2 (CPE) of agility. Dogs must be able to successfully complete ALL contacts and equipment, and successfully complete 6 weave poles with various weave entrances This class is intended to improve handling skills in order to increase speed and efficiency on lower level courses. Major emphasis will be placed on identifying handling techniques that will give the dog advance information and clear direction.
Class limit 6
The successful Completion of Introduction to Competition, AND be actively competing in agility, or at the discretion of the instructor.
Class Overview
This class is intended to improve handling skills in order to increase speed and efficiency on higher level courses. Major emphasis will be placed on identifying handling techniques that will give the dog advance information and clear direction. Skills practiced will be those needed to successfully compete in upper level classes.
NOTE: This class is for those dog and handlers that are actively showing at the beginning levels of agility, and preparing to show at the Open Level and above (AKC/NADAC/ASCA) or Level 3 and above (CPE). Dogs must be able to successfully complete ALLcontacts and equipment, including 12 weaves. Dogs must have earned at least one leg in Novice level agility, Completed CPE Level 1, or earned at least one leg in CPE Level 2.
Class limit 8
Successful completion of Distance and Handling and/or Introduction to Competition Agility class. All dogs must be able to successfully complete ALL contacts and equipment, including 12 weaves, and be able to sequence at least 20 obstacles.
Class Overview
This class is to build confidence and skill in the dog and handler while running agility. These courses will be full courses. It’s a great class to build speed and confidence in your dog
Class limit 8
The successful completion of Skills II Agility, or permission of the instructor.
Class Overview
Teams will begin working on refining handling skills while learning to work from a distance. While not mandatory, this class is primarily for those teams who may be interested in trialing in agility. This class will work on all skills learned in previous classes with the main emphasis being on working at a distance from your dog. Dogs will continue to gain the confidence needed to work at a distance. Handlers will learn to cue their dog to drive to obstacles and layering will be emphasized and practiced.
Class limit 6
Basic II Agility
Class Overview
This class will concentrate on all aspects of weaving from the beginner to the different angles needed to enter from both sides. Dogs will become confident at finding entrances on their own. They will improve their rhythm, control and speed to complete 12 weave poles.
Some classes may not be offered every session
Open to dogs of all ages and abilities. No previous training is necessary.
Class Overview
This class is designed to start dogs on the path to nosework competition sponsored by National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW). The first 6 weeks of class develop hunting techniques by allowing dogs to find food placed in one of a group of boxes. In the second 6 weeks, this food is paired with birch odor, the first of the NACSW target scents.
Dog is freely and eagerly searching for paired food and odor.
Completion of the Basic Scentwork Class or approval of the instructor.
Class Overview
This class is designed to begin teaching dogs the skills needed to compete successfully in Odor Recognition Tests (ORT) and NW1 trials sponsored by National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW). The class will learn searching techniques in the 4 NACSW elements (interiors, exteriors, containers, and vehicles). Practice ORTs will be run.
Passing Odor Recognition Test (ORT)
Successfully completing Intermediate Scent, or approval of the instructor
Class Overview
This class is designed to continue teaching dogs the skills needed to compete successfully in NW1 trials sponsored by National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW). The class will continue searching techniques in the 4 NACSW elements (interiors, exteriors, containers, and vehicles). Practice NW 1 hides will be run.
Successfully working at the NW 1 level in all 4 elements
Successfully completing Advanced Scent, or approval of the instructor
Class Overview
This class is designed to continue teaching dogs the skills needed to compete successfully in NW 2 trials sponsored by National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW). Hides will become more challenging as the class continues mastering searching techniques in the 4 NACSW elements (interiors, exteriors, containers, and vehicles).
Successful passing NW 2
Dogs MUST have earned their NW 2, and be working at the NW 3 level or higher; approval of the instructor is required
Class Overview
This class is designed to continue teaching dogs the skills needed to compete successfully in NW 3 trials, and higher, sponsored by National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW). Hides will become more challenging as the class continues mastering searching techniques in the 4 NACSW elements (interiors, exteriors, containers, and vehicles).
Other Classes
Some classes may not be offered every session
The successful completion of Manners Obedience class at BAD or equivalent class elsewhere. This is a high energy class: all dogs must be under control around other dogs while off leash!
Class Overview
This class will introduce your dog to the world of Flyball. The emphasis will be placed on retrieving a tennis ball, learning the “box” and passing another dog while retrieving. Small hurdle jumps will be introduced and practiced.
Successful completion of Introduction to Flyball, or permission of the instructor. This is a high energy class: all dogs must be under control around other dogs while off leash!
Class Overview
This class continue building on skills learned in Introduction to Flyball. Teams will continue practicing on box work, practice hurdles and lane work, and may participate in scrimmages.
Class Limit 8
The successful completion of Manners Obedience, or a similar basic obedience class.
Class Overview
Trick training is a fun way to develop a positive relationship with your dog. Popular tricks such as wave, fetch, sit pretty, speak and play dead will create a starting point as we explore different ways to communicate with our best friend. Students will learn to reinforce their dog’s behaviors with rewards like treats, toys and praise. Clicker training will be covered, but the clicker itself will be optional.
Class Limit 6
The successful completion of Manners Obedience, or a similar basic obedience class.
Class Overview
This class is for youngsters 11-18. The class will follow the same overview for Trick Training but it is geared for the younger crowd. This class is a great way for a child to bond with the family pet and learn valuable lessons on communication with a pet.
No prior class required. This class is for handlers and/or dogs with no prior obedience training.
Class Overview
This class has been designed for dogs and puppies 6 months and older just starting out in obedience. Dogs will be introduced to all basic commands such as; attention, loose leash walking, come, sit, down, and stay. General topics of household manners, socialization and problem behaviors will be discussed. This class is taught using positive reinforcement in a fun and successful way. The AKC Canine Good Citizen test will be given on the last day of class and is not mandatory to take.
To graduate this class your dog must pass a pup quiz including: sit, down, loose leash walking pattern, 10 second sit stay, and, 10 second down stay.
What is AKC Community Canine?
AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of AKC’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program.
As with CGC, AKC Community Canine has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC Community Canine title. This is a title that appears on the dog’s title record at AKC.
The Setting
All skills on the test are tested on leash. The AKC Community Canine (CGCA) test may be done in a class, at shows, in pet stores or in the community. When the test is administered in community settings such as at a business or special event, evaluators must have the necessary approval of the business owners, etc.
While Canine Good Citizen tests are simulations of real world skills, (e.g., dog/handler walks through a “crowd” of evaluators in a ring), the goal of AKC Community Canine is to test the dog’s skills in a natural setting. For example, rather than the dog being tested in a ring, in AKC Community Canine, the “walks through a crowd” test item will involve the dog walking through a real crowd at a dog show, on a busy sidewalk, in a therapy dog setting, or at a training club.
To earn the AKC Community Canine title, dogs must meet the following two requirements:
- Must already have a Canine Good Citizen (CGC) award or title on record at AKC.
- Must have an AKC number of one of 3 types (AKC registration number, PAL number, or AKC Canine Partners number). All dogs, including mixed breeds, can get an AKC number. The reason for the AKC number requirement is that this is how we create titles at AKC; we attach the titles to the dog’s number. For more information on getting an AKC number, see:
Class Overview
AKC Urban CGC requires that the dog demonstrate CGC skills and beyond in an urban setting.
Age Requirements for Dogs
There is no age limit for dogs taking the AKC Urban CGC test. However, before taking the test, dogs must have a Canine Good Citizen test (either a certificate or title) on record at AKC.
AKC Urban CGC Test Items
- Exit/enter doorway with no pulling in dog-friendly buildings. Exit building to start test, additional Public buildings items are below.
- Walk through a crowd on a busy urban sidewalk.
- People come toward the dog from 1-ft. away
- Tolerate distractions (people wearing hats, coats, men, women, etc).
- Appropriate reaction to city distractions. This includes movement, noises, and walking on a variety of surfaces. Examples:
- Noises: horns, sirens, construction noise, etc.
- Moving objects: skateboard, bike, carts, person running
- Surfaces: concrete, grass, grates, plastic tarp, wet sidewalk
- Crossing street: Stop at corner, stand or sit to wait and cross with no pulling (on leash, with owner). Crosses street under control.
- Ignore food on sidewalk. (Dropped food, or cups, bags, cans, in which food was wrapped).
- Person walks up and pets the dog. May be carrying an item such as a small dog in a bag, a computer bag, etc. Person does not put the bag down to pet the dog.
- Public Building (that is dog friendly). Walks under control in building (slick surface, carpeted floor). Down stay (3 min) in lobby or outdoor area, or waits while owner has a meal or snack.
- Stairs, steps, or elevator under control.
- Steps (at least 3 – up and down)
- Elevator (Enters under control, exits, rides under control)
- Housetrained for apartment, condo, city living. Owner may verify this item. Evaluator may also observe in public buildings, or have observed in training classes.
- Owner’s choice depending on transportation needs.
- Enters/exits, remains under control during the ride. (Crate? Seatbelt?)
- Small dog in bag for ride. (large dogs are not always permitted; know and abide by the Transit Policies in your area).
- Dog friendly (enters/exits or allows to be put in/taken out) under control.
To pass the CGCU test, dogs must pass all 10 items of the test.
Class Limit 5
The successful completion of Manners Obedience, or a similar basic obedience class.
Class Overview
Trick training is a fun way to develop a positive relationship with your dog. Popular tricks such as wave, fetch, sit pretty, speak and play dead will create a starting point as we explore different ways to communicate with our best friend. Students will learn to reinforce their dog’s behaviors with rewards like treats, toys and praise. Clicker training will be covered, but the clicker itself will be optional.